
The concept entails investing in strengthening the mechanisms that ensure the long-term sustainability of university autonomy, transparency and accountability. The project foresees cooperation between HEIs in the WB region, their respective ministries and program country partners and contributes to the increasing of professional capacities of HEI staff in partnering HEIs. The project these main outcomes (short-term and midterm effects):

The development of University Autonomy Scorecard for Kosovo, Albania and Montenegro

Contributes to raising awareness in the university sector of the changes needed to create a regulatory environment favourable to university autonomy. It corresponds with WP 1.3 and WP2: adaptation of methodology for University Autonomy Scorecard and the WP2 that targets roundtable discussions in partner countries in order to support the drafting of assessment report in University Autonomy and delivery of University Autonomy Scorecard Assessment.

Roundtables WP 2.3. will be organized with all the relevant stakeholders (Ministries of Education, Accreditation bodies, participating partner HEIs and institutions dealing with Higher Education, to present the findings, with the aim to work further on the development of the Action Plan and Scorecards in each country and on regional level, as well its benchmarking to European partners. Roundtables will further lead to the production of Action Plans and the strategy that will enhance the University Autonomy in partner countries (A2.4.).

Enhanced human, technical and organizational capacities in the governance and financial accountability-contributes to the capacity building of the staff and infrastructure capacities through WP3 and WP5. WP5 provides technical expertise and training on the use of university management software.

And the WP3 is a strongly mobility-oriented, with all the staff from the partner countries realizing visits to the programme countries. The WP3.2 also foresee the establishment of expert network that provides advices in the improvement of university governance to all HEIs in Western Balkan.

Group 11

Upgraded national and university regulations will contribute to the second objective. It corresponds with WP4 that includes a Workshops on University Autonomy regulations in Kosovo, Albania, and Montenegro (WP4.1) and the update of the university statues and university rules and regulations A4.2 and A4.3). All WB partners will prepare the set of updated regulations, statutes and other documents using previous experiences that were already well-developed with the newly gained experience in the previous project phases, workshops and study visits.

Group 12

Harmonized practices between HEIs and relevant ministries using the example of EU partners and upgraded University regulation will contribute to the second objective and also corresponds with WP3 and WP4.

Group 12

Disseminated and exploited project results to wider audiences will contribute to the fourth and fifth objectives- to promote achievements of university autonomies and knowledge exchange (WP7). Planned conference will bring together the academic scientists, researchers, scholars and policy makers to share ideas, in order to present findings and discuss the professional issues relevant to sustainable university governance in the region and the enhancement of university autonomy in long-term.